In an objective test, you are required to recognize and recollect the subject matter. It takes different forms including, the question of facts, true or false, multiple-choice, sentence completion, analogy, and matching.  They cover more content compared to essay tests. Multiple choice and objective tests have only one correct answer to a question. You need to be well-prepared and have high information retention to excel.

What to do before answering multiple-choice and objective tests

  • Endorse each page of the test with your name
  • In oral tests listen to the directions carefully
  • Check for the penalty for guessing
  • Have a quick glance through the test
  • Check the time you have to complete

While Answering questions

  • Carefully read the directions
  • Read and understand the question before answering
  • To avoid delays, answer easy questions first
  • Don’t waste time on any questions. If you are finding it difficult to answer skip to the next question.
  • After answering the easy question, return to solve the difficult ones.
  • You can guess if you don’t know the answer to a question.

Strategies for taking objective exams

Preparation is key to success in all exams. You can’t replace studying with anything; hence, you need to start the process early.

Adopt a different learning approach towards every subject. For example, you cannot learn maths the same way you learn literature.

Don’t be too worried about students who finish early during exams. The fact that they finished early doesn’t mean they will pass. Take your time and work at your own pace.

Don’t pay heed to discussions of other students before, during, and after the exam.

If there is a penalty for guessing, don’t do it

If you want to guess, first identity the absolute wrong answers and then choose among the remaining.

Keys steps to remember in objective tests

If you want to excel in your exams try to adopt the strategy known as SCORER. Each letter in the word has a meaning and requires an action to be taken.

S – Schedule your time. In doing this, consider the time allotted for the exams, and how many questions you need to answer. You can then divide the number of questions from the exam time to know how much time you have to spend on each question.

C – Clue words help. Every question has a clue to the right answer. Look out for clue words and apply them to get the right answer.

O – Omit the tough questions. It is not worth it to waste your entire exam time on one difficult question. If you meet such a question, move on to the next one.

R – Read carefully through the questions. Reading to understand a question is half the task of getting the right answer. When you receive the exam paper, first read carefully through the instructions. You should know the requirements of the paper and if there is any penalty for guessing. Also, write through the questions well, make sure you understand them before trying to answer.

E – Estimate your answers. In a multiple-choice and objective test, the number of questions you get correct determines your final score. Depending on whether or not there is a penalty for guessing, you can decide to do a wild guess, or leave some questions unanswered to avoid penalty.

R – Review your answers. If you have extra time at hand, use it to review the answers given.